Passivhaus retrofit, Buckinghamshire
A full renovation and extension to a family home in Buckinghamshire.
The project, which sees the transformation of the existing bungalow to create a low energy four-bedroom family home, implements Passivhaus principles, working towards EnerPHit standards for retrofit.
The existing hipped roof of the bungalow will be raised to provide 4 bedrooms at first floor. The new roof will be constructed from a lightweight timber frame creating a double pitched form clad in a soft red zinc. The materials have been selected to complement the surrounding context and the existing red brick at ground floor.
The project will implement Passivhaus principles, working towards EnerPHit standards for retrofit. This includes the use of Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery (MVHR) and an Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP). High levels of insulation, airtightness and high performance triple glazing will improve the existing building fabric and reduce the heating demand. In addition to the main house, a garden building office space will be created from renovating the existing garage.